Balanced Team is a global movement made up of people who value multi-disciplinary collaboration and iterative delivery focused on customer value as a source for innovation. We're a self-organizing group that learns from each other as we explore processes and methodologies to create great things. We welcome people who wear many hats (design, development, testing, product management, marketing and sales, to name a few). Our next event will be in San Francisco November 1-3. We hope you will join the conversation!


Full program available on Lanyrd

Bill Scott is the Sr. Director of UI Engineering at PayPal. In a past life he co-created one of the first successful Macintosh games (GATO, 1985), built & designed wargaming interfaces for NATO, led user experience teams (Sabre, Meebo), co-wrote one of the first Ajax/JavaScript frameworks (OpenRico), managed user interface engineering organizations (Netflix, PayPal) and published a design pattern library (Yahoo!).
Rob leads all product and technology strategy for Sharethrough. He is a practitioner, student and teacher of the “lean startup” methodology. In his spare time, Rob, hacks and plays with new technology and advises early-stage startups about the successes and pitfalls he has learned thus far.
Ariadna Font Llitjós
Ariadna Font Llitjós is a UX Lead at IBM’s Big Data division, where she is spearheading the adoption of user-centric design and development, under IBM’s new Design Thinking initiative. In addition to managing a development team, she both practices and teaches Lean UX methods to empower teams and help them gain shared understanding, focus and improve communication.
Malcolm has worked on both the operational and investing elements of early stage and growth technology for the last five years. Most recently, Malcolm was Sr. Director of Revenue and Marketing for Skype. Prior to Skype, Malcolm worked for the technology investing firm Silver Lake and has spent time at Google, HSBC, and Expedia in consumer web roles.
Pivotal Labs
Jonathan Berger is a designer, developer and technologist who has been active in the NYC technology scene since around 2005, helping to organize events like the Agile Experience Design Meetup, the Pivotal Labs Tech Talk series in NY, Startup Weekend, Barcamp, Fashioncamp, and IgniteNYC. He spends his days building software with Pivotal Labs and his nights and weekends working on Market Publique.
Asian Art Museum
Janet used to be the User Experience Manager at Lonely Planet. For a while she consulted in digital strategy, product development and delivery while she figured out how to get a job at a museum. Now she looks after the website and other fun digital stuff for the Asian Art Museum. Mission: Accomplished.
Jay Trimble
NASA Ames Research Center

Jay Trimble is in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center where he is the mission operations and ground data system manager for the Resource Prospector Lunar Rover Mission. Prior to this Jay founded and led the User Centered Technology Group, which developed Open Mission Control Technologies, an open source mission operations display technology, as well as the MERBoard Touchscreen for Mars Rover Operations and Planetary Data System User Technologies.

Rebecca Gessler
Becky Gessler is a founder and the CEO of Bloom, a coffee subscription service delivering fresh, locally-roasted coffee to workplaces in the Bay Area. Her background is in user experience research, prototyping, and front-end development. She has been a frequent speaker on user experience for the Drupal open source community.
Cameron Wood
Kluge Interactive
Cameron is a business manager, venture investor and strategist with more than fifteen years of venture capital experience working with a broad range of companies, primarily from the digital media and technology industries. Throughout his career Cameron has worked with start-ups, publicly traded companies and nonprofits, building sales teams and providing marketing strategies, industry analysis and board representation.
Chris Nodder
Chris Nodder Consulting
Chris is a user researcher and interaction design specialist. He is the founder of Chris Nodder Consulting LLC, an agile user experience company that helps large organizations and startups build products that users love. He was previously a Director at Nielsen Norman Group and a Senior User Researcher at Microsoft. He has an M.S. in Human Computer Interaction and a B.S. in Psychology.
Andrew Korf
Andrew's lifetime of work in the creative technology field, and with numerous start-ups, has led to a deep and contextual understanding of people, their environment, and how technology is shaping and empowering lives. From this perspective, he has worked with organizations, large and small, who seek to create strategies for serving new and existing consumer segments. Andrew currently leads the UX team at NativeX, a leader in mobile advertising, is a member of the group and a recent transplant to San Francisco.
David Bland
David helps organizations change how they create and deliver value. He's advised teams responsible for millions of dollars of revenue to embrace the shift from "can we build it" to "should we build it". When he's not advising the Fortune 500, David can be found speaking, writing and running workshops on lean startup, business model generation and customer development.
Alexa Roman
Alexa Roman is a User Experience Designer for Kluge, an interactive agency in Marina del Rey, Ca. Kluge is a nimble, cross-functional team of nine focused on building engaging digital experiences. Alexa is passionate about sharing user experience principles beyond interface design. She is a co-organizer of the UX Bookclub of LA and is active in the design community through LAUX Meetup, A+D Museum and Digital LA/Silicon Beach Fest.
Mike Long
Mike joined Balanced Team in 2010. He was part of the original and relatively small group of people who gathered at the Cooper offices in San Francisco. Since then, Mike has spread the Balanced Team values and principles within ThoughtWorks and among its clients across the globe. He organizes the rapidly growing Lean UX SF Meetup group.
Brittany Hunter
Atomic Object
Brittany Hunter is a software designer at Atomic Object, a custom software firm in Grand Rapids, MI. Atomic Object integrates design and development to produce great software. Brittany works as part of a self-managed, poly-skilled product team, engaging at every point in a software product's journey from a simple idea to a working piece of software.
@brittanyhunter |||
Martina Schell

Martina Schell is a digital product and service designer at Method with 15 years experience in user-centered design, experience strategy and qualitative design research. She holds a MA in Applied Imagination from Central Saint Martins, where she conducted research into methods for multi-disciplinary collaboration to support creativity and innovation and helps organisations adopt lean, agile and user centered collaborative working practices.

J. Calvin Hoot
Change Agent
I've been pursuing incremental and evolutionary improvement with clients and on my own. This includes:

freelance Kanban consulting
developing workshops and presentations, including a lightning talk at Balanced Team SF
taking over and growing the Lean Mindset SF meetup group


Thank you to the companies below for their generous support of Balanced Team! If you would like to learn about sponsorship opportunities for future events, please talk to us.

Pivotal Labs logo Comakers logo Atomic Object logo UIE logo
Carbon Five logo
Rosenfeld Media Cooper Intelleto Bureau of Bloom